How to Play Zed from R/zedmains


If you want to learn how to play Zed R/zedmains is the best place to start. Zed is a champion in the game League of Legends. He is very sneaky and can do a lot of damage to his enemies. To play Zed well you need to learn how to use his abilities. Zed has four main abilities: Razor Shuriken, Living Shadow Shadow Slash and Death Mark. Razor Shuriken is a skill where Zed throws sharp stars at his enemies. Living Shadow allows Zed to make a shadow copy of himself. Shadow Slash makes Zed spin and hurt all the enemies around him. Death Mark is Zed’s ultimate ability which lets him dash to an enemy and mark them for extra damage.

On R/zedmains you can find lots of helpful tips from other players. They will teach you how to use Zed’s abilities to win games. For example you can use Zed’s Living Shadow to trick your enemies. You can also use Razor Shuriken and Shadow Slash to hurt your enemies from far away. With practice you will get better at using Zed’s abilities and become a strong player. Remember to have fun and keep practicing.

Easy Tips from R/zedmains

Playing Zed can be tricky but R/zedmains has lots of easy tips to help you. One important tip is to always keep an eye on your energy. Zed uses energy for his abilities so you need to make sure you have enough energy before you fight. Another tip is to use Zed’s abilities in a combo. For example you can use Living Shadow to make a shadow then use Razor Shuriken and Shadow Slash to hurt your enemies a lot. This combo can surprise your enemies and make it easier to win.

Another great tip from R/zedmains is to play safely until you are strong. At the beginning of the game focus on getting gold and experience. This will help you buy items and become stronger. You can use Zed’s W-E combo to poke your enemies and get gold safely. When you are strong enough you can use Zed’s ultimate ability Death Mark to finish off your enemies. With these easy tips you will become a better Zed player in no time.

Best Zed Build from R/zedmains

If you want to know the best build for Zed R/zedmains has got you covered. A build is a set of items that you buy for your champion during the game. For Zed the best build includes items that give him more damage and make him stronger. The first item you should buy is Eclipse. Eclipse gives Zed more damage and also makes him harder to kill. The next item is Ionian Boots of Lucidity. These boots make Zed faster and reduce the cooldown of his abilities.

After that you can buy Voltaic Cyclosword which gives Zed even more damage. Edge of Night is another good item because it gives Zed a shield to protect him from enemy abilities. Finally you can buy Serylda’s Grudge to slow down enemies and Axiom Arc to reduce the cooldown of Zed’s ultimate ability. With this build from R/zedmains Zed will be very strong and able to defeat his enemies easily.

Winning with Zed: R/zedmains Tips

Winning games with Zed can be super fun and R/zedmains has lots of tips to help you win more. One important tip is to always look for weak enemies. Zed is very good at taking down enemies who have low health or who are not very strong. Use Zed’s abilities to surprise and defeat these enemies quickly. Another tip is to use Zed’s ultimate ability Death Mark to start a fight. This ability does a lot of damage and can help you win battles.

Another helpful tip from R/zedmains is to stay safe while playing. Zed is strong but he can be defeated if he is not careful. Always keep an eye on the map and know where your enemies are. Use Zed’s Living Shadow to escape if you are in danger. By playing smart and using these tips you will win more games with Zed and have lots of fun.

Top Zed Players on R/zedmains

There are many great Zed players on R/zedmains who share their knowledge and skills. These players are very good at using Zed and have lots of tips to help others. One famous Zed player is LL Stylish. He is known for his amazing Zed plays and often shares videos of his games. Another top player is Incursio. He is a professional player who also shares his Zed tips and tricks on R/zedmains.

These top players have spent a lot of time practicing and learning how to play Zed. They know all the best strategies and builds. By watching their videos and reading their tips on R/zedmains you can learn a lot and become a better Zed player. It’s always good to learn from the best.

R/zedmains: Best Items for Zed

When playing Zed choosing the right items is very important. On R/zedmains you can find the best items to buy for Zed. The first item you should get is Eclipse. This item gives Zed a lot of damage and also makes him harder to kill. Another important item is Ionian Boots of Lucidity. These boots make Zed faster and let him use his abilities more often.

Other great items for Zed include Voltaic Cyclosword which gives him even more damage and Edge of Night which provides a shield to protect him from enemy attacks. Serylda’s Grudge is also a good item because it slows down enemies making it easier for Zed to catch them. With these items from R/zedmains Zed will be very strong and able to win many battles.

Easy Zed Tricks from R/zedmains

Playing Zed can be a lot of fun especially when you know some cool tricks. On R/zedmains you can find many easy tricks to help you play better. One trick is to use Zed’s Living Shadow to confuse your enemies. You can place a shadow in one spot and then move to another spot. This can make your enemies attack the shadow instead of you.

Another trick is to use Zed’s abilities in a special order. For example you can start with Living Shadow then use Razor Shuriken and Shadow Slash. This combo does a lot of damage and can defeat your enemies quickly. By practicing these tricks from R/zedmains you will become a better Zed player and have more fun in your games.

How to Get Better at Zed: R/zedmains

If you want to get better at playing Zed R/zedmains has lots of advice to help you improve. The first step is to practice a lot. The more you play Zed the better you will get. Try to play games where you focus on using Zed’s abilities in different ways. This will help you learn how to use them better in real games.

Another way to get better is to watch videos and read tips from other Zed players on R/zedmains. You can learn a lot by seeing how other players use Zed and what strategies they use. Try to copy their moves and see what works best for you. With practice and by learning from others you will get better at Zed and win more games.

Fun Zed Facts from R/zedmains

There are many fun facts about Zed that you can learn on R/zedmains. Did you know that Zed is a ninja? He is very fast and sneaky which makes him great at surprising his enemies. Zed’s real name is Govos but he took the name Zed after he became the leader of the Order of Shadow.

Another fun fact is that Zed can create shadows of himself. These shadows can do everything Zed can do which makes him very tricky to play against. On R/zedmains you can find many more fun facts and stories about Zed. Learning these facts can make playing Zed even more exciting and enjoyable.


Playing Zed in League of Legends can be a lot of fun especially with all the tips and tricks from R/zedmains. Whether you are just starting or want to get better, R/zedmains has lots of helpful advice. You can learn the best build items and strategies to use with Zed. By practicing and using these tips you will become a stronger Zed player and have more fun in your games. Remember to always keep learning and enjoy playing Zed.

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